Alessandro Moret

Ph.D. Students



I did my Bachelor's and my Master's in Italy, respectively in Trieste (Faculty of Biology) and in Ancona (Faculty of Marine Biology). During my Bachelor's I started to develop a strong interest in Cnidarian and during the first year of my Master's I realized that what really interested me was the complicated (and still not fully discovered) process of the symbiosis occurring between corals and zooxanthellae. I therefore focused my Master's thesis on this topic, in particular the symbiosis between Exaiptasia pallida and Symbiodinium spp. It was with pleasure that I carried out my Master’s thesis in the Essex University, in the UK. Soon after my graduation I was lucky enough to get a scholarship at the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium, in Taiwan. Both experiences helped me developing a strong passion for this research area.

Wanting to get in touch with different points of view and to learn new techniques, I asked Prof. Manuel Aranda to join his lab. I first came as an intern and now I am a PhD student in his lab.

Research Interests

I am researching the symbiosis between cnidarians and Symbiodiniaceae from a metabolomic and transcriptomic point of view. The aim of my research is to better understand the complex and delicate equilibrium that regulates this partnership


  • Bachelor’s degree: Biology, Università degli Studi di Trieste (2009-2012)
  • Master’s degree: Marine Biology, Università Politecnica delle Marche (2012-2015)

Research Interests Keywords

Coral reef Symbiosis Metabolomics Genomics