Prof. Manuel Aranda attended the ‘Gene technologies for the protection and restoration of coral reefs’ workshop on Magnetic Island

25 July, 2018

Reef Recovery on Magnetic Island is an innovative project in partnership with government, researchers, industry and community that aims to make a positive environmental, social and economic benefit for our local reefs and communities. The project activities focus on the manual removal of overgrowing, weedy macroalgal on the fringing reefs of Magnetic Island. Magnetic Island nearshore reefs are home to substantial seaweed, potentially greater than historical levels. Reef Ecologic’s research permits which allow controlled collection of a limited amount seaweed to allow future corals space to grow and for juvenile corals to settle. While macroalgae is crucial for reef health, too much of it can upset the fine ecological balance of coral reefs (see science below).
The project has environmental, social and economic benefits for the reef, community and industry. The potential environmental benefit of the Reef Recovery project are associated with improving future inshore coral reef health by removing seaweed.The seaweed we collect is measured and weighed and then taken to the Magnetic island Reef Guardian school for use as compost. The project aims to provide opportunities for visitors and the community to learn about and engage in inshore reef recovery and is an examples of positive stewardship where individuals and groups can make a difference at a local, reef and global scale.